Names of House Parts in English 🏠 with Games and Tests

House parts are the sections that we can see in a residence such as bedroom and kithchen. The rooms of a house are named differently by the household according to the function of a the house part.

What are the parts of a house in English?

A house is a place that is built for people to live in. It functions as a home especially for families. There are many different parts of a house. These parts can be different according to the culture of the people, location, climate of the area and wealth of the residents etc. For example some residences may have a chimney, balcony, swimming pool, garden, garage or roof but some others may not.

House parts with pictures

Names of house parts

  • house
  • home
  • room
  • balcony
  • bathroom
  • bedroom
  • dining room
  • living room
  • sitting room
  • garage
  • kitchen
  • roof
  • chimney
  • garden
  • basement
  • cellar
  • attic
  • study
  • pool
  • toilet
  • window
  • staircase
  • stairs
  • upstairs
  • downstairs
  • door
  • wall
  • ceiling
  • floor
  • drive
  • lawn
  • path
  • hall
  • fence
  • doorbell
  • doormat
  • letter box
  • patio
  • backyard
  • flat (British E.)
  • apartment (American E.)

❯❯ Living room vocabulary
❯❯ Bedroom vocabulary
❯❯ Kitchen vocabulary
❯❯ Bathroom vocabulary
❯❯ Garden vocabulary
❯❯ Dining room vocabulary
❯❯ Human body parts vocabulary
❯❯ Computer parts vocabulary
❯❯ Face parts vocabulary

parts-of-the-house 2
parts-of-the-house 1


House parts flashcards

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Flip cards

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Example sentences

  1. This is the kitchen table.
  2. This is our kitchen.
  3. This is the garden.
  4. That is my house.
  5. There is a dishwasher in the kitchen.
  6. There are two mirrors in the bedroom.
  7. My mother is in the kitchen.
  8. This is my bedroom.
  9. My bed is next to the window.
  10. My books are on the table.
  11. The television is near the bookcase.
  12. The shower is in the bathroom.
  1. Is the chair on the balcony? – Yes, it is on the balcony?
  2. Is the washing machine in the kitchen? – No, it is in the bathroom.
  3. Are the slippers in the living room? – No, they aren’t. They are in my bedroom.
  4. Is there a clock in the living room? – Yes, there is one.
  5. Are there pictures on the wall? – Yes, there are pictures on the wall.
  6. Where is the television? – It is in the living room.
  7. Where is the sofa? – It is near the armchair.
  8. Where is the chimney? – It is on the roof.
  9. Where are the plates? – They are in the kitchen.
  10. Where are the toothbrushes? – They are in the bathroom.
  11. What colour is your house? – It is white.
  12. What colour is your room? – It is purple.
  13. Where do you sleep? – I sleep in my bedroom.
  14. Where do you have breakfast? – I have breakfast in the kitchen.
  15. Where can you have a shower in a house? – I can have a shower in the bathroom.
  16. Where do you eat your lunch or dinner? – I eat my lunch and dinner at home.

Reading passage: My home
My name is Lucia. I live with my family in Cordoba, Spain. We have a sweet home. My house is big and beautiful. There are trees around the it. It has two floors. The bedrooms, living room, bathroom and the kitchen are upstairs. The car garage is next to the backyard. My house has also a study in the attic. The rooms are light and spacious. We spend most of the time upstairs.

House parts exercises







House worksheets
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External resource links:
You can click here and watch a video about house parts .

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