Grammar is the structural study of a language. Grammar vocabulary includes the terms that are used while describing grammar systems and structures.
โฌค Word list of grammar vocabulary
- active voice
- adjective
- adjective clause
- adverb
- adverbial clause
- affirmative
- affix
- agreement
- article
- auxiliary verb
- helping verb
- bare infinitive
- base form
- case
- causative verb
- clause
- comparative
- comparative adjective
- complement
- compound noun
- compound sentence
- conditionals
- conjunction
- continuous
- progressive
- contraction
- countable noun
- defining relative clause
- demonstrative pronoun
- demonstrative adjective
- dependent clause
- direct speech
- direct object
- first conditional
- future continuous
- future progressive
- future simple
- genitive case
- gerund
- helping verb
- imperative
- indefinite pronoun
- independent clause
- main clause
- indirect object
- indirect question
- indirect speech
- reported speech
- infinitive
- interjection
- interrogative
- interrogative pronoun
- intransitive verb
- inversion
- irregular verb
- main verb
- modifier
- mood
- negative
- nominative case
- non-defining relative clause
- non-gradable adjective
- noun
- noun clause
- noun phrase (NP)
- object
- objective case
- part of speech
- participle
- passive voice
- past tense
- simple past
- past continuous
- person
- personal pronoun
- phrasal verb
- phrase
- plural
- positive
- possessive adjective
- possessive case
- possessive pronoun
- predicate
- prefix
- preposition
- present simple
- simple present
- present continuous
- present progressive
- present perfect
- progressive
- pronoun
- proper noun
- punctuation
- quantifier
- question tag
- question word
- reflexive pronoun
- regular verb
- relative clause
- reported speech
- second conditional
- sentence
- singular
- subject
- subjunctive
- subordinate clause
- suffix
- superlative
- syntax
- tense
- third conditional
- transitive verb
- uncountable nouns
- usage
- verb
- voice
- WH-questions
- question word
- word order
- yes-no question
- zero conditional
โฏโฏ Books and literature vocabulary
โฏโฏ School and education vocabulary
โฌค Flip the card game about grammar vocabulary
In this vocabulary memory game click on a card to open it. Then you will see a word about grammar. Guess the meaning of it in your native language.





nominative case

intransitive verb


relative clause


first conditional

noun clause

โฌค Worksheets for vocabulary of English grammar
โข Grammar word scramble game worksheet | ![]() |
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โข Grammar word search puzzle worksheet | ![]() |
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