The English alphabet has 26 letters, which are used to represent speech sounds. 5 letters of the alphabet (A,E,I,O,U) are vowels and 21 other letters are consonants (B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Z, W, Y). These letters are Latin based. English alphabet is the initial lesson that everybody start learning, so it is essential to study the English letters.
⬤ What are the English alphabet letters?
- Upper case letters (Capital letters) are: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Lower case letters (Small letters) are: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
- In English a group of letters can give a separate sound such as: ph, sh and th. This is called digraph.
Examples: photo, they, she - Spelling of a word in English can be tricky to pronounce, so we have phonetic alphabet and phonetic chart that help us pronounce the letters correctly in a word. Click here to learn phonetic alphabet or here to learn phonetic alphabet on YouTube
⬤ English alphabet and pronunciations
⬤ Some abbreviations in English
LOL – Laughing Out Loud
B4N – Bye For Now
A.S.A.P – As Soon As Possible
P.M. – Post Meridiem
A.M. – Post Meridiem
P.S. – Post Script
ATM – Automated Teller Machine
BC – Before Christ or Because
ESL- English as as Second Language
FAQ – Frequently-Asked Questions
RIP – Rest In Peace
IBAN – International Bank Account Number
ID – Identification
ISBN – International Standard Book Number
⬤ Games to play
⬤ Flashcards exercise about English letters
This exercise tests your alphabet knowledge. In order to play the game click on the cards and then say the letter in English. When you reload the page the cards and content of it change.
⬤ Jigsaw puzzle game for the alphabet

This is a funny activity about English letters. Try to guess the expressions below and then click on them to see the answers.
❯❯ How R U?
How are you?
❯❯ I love U
I love you
❯❯ Y R U 2 L8?
Why are you too late?
❯❯ The CD is 4 U.
The CD is for you.
❯❯ C U later.
See you later
❯❯ B4
⬤ Download the alphabet worksheet
At this point it is a good idea to learn the phonetic alphabet. The phonetic alphabet is the list of symbols or codes that shows what a speech sound or letter sounds like in English.
Here you can listen to the alphabet song (UK version) or the alphabet song (US version)
⬤ Alphabet exercises
External resource links:
You can also click here to watch a video about English alphabet or here to see more information about English alphabet on WikiPedia. If you want a pdf document from VOA learning English, click here. You should know how to say phonetic alphabet. So you can learn it with sounds here interactively.